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Advertise in Newsletter

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Advertise in Newsletter

Advertise in the newsletter “FairTalk”

Purchase three consecutive ads and make the entire payment up-front, the fourth ad is “HALF PRICE ”.

The cost is as follows (non-member rate is 25% higher):
Business Card $25 per issue size (2” h x 3 1/2” w)
1/4 page $40 per issue size (4 3/4” h x 3 1/2” w)
1/2 page $60 per issue size (10” h x 3 1/2” w) or size (4 3/4” h x 7 1/2” w)
Full Page $105 per issue size (10” h x 7 1/2” w)

If you are interested, please return the form below with your payment and copy.
“FairTalk” is published March, June, Sept., Dec. Circle issues and ad size.


Address: ______________________________________


Phone: _______________________________________

New Ad – enclose camera-ready copy (electronic file preferable).

Make payable to PSACF and
send to: PSACF, 128 Cumberland Road, Bedford PA 15522

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